Tuesday, November 9, 2021


Instead of employing people and managing the non core function of the company ourselves, hiring professional service provider and handing over defined task is called an outsourcing.  

Outsourcing is a business practice in which company hire or third party perform task, handle operations or provide services to their company.

In data innovation, a re-appropriating and outsourcing initiative with a technology provider can involve a range of operations.


The outsourcing varies with client & situation, but the benefits of outsourcing remains same:

  • Reduces and controls operating costs: Outsourcing is less expensive than recruiting another employee, and it also takes away some level of uncertainty about costs. The contract will determine exactly what will get done and for what price.
  • Improves company focus: By outsourcing less important tasks, you increase the company's focus on tasks that are deemed more vital.
  • Expands talent pool: Rather than relying on the talents among your employees, outsourcing allows you to draw from a virtually endless pool of potential talent.
  • Shares risk with another company: The contractor or contracting company will share some of the responsibility for completing the tasks that are assigned to them.



Why to shift to outsourcing:

   Bringing down costs

·       Develop efficiencies

·       Gain speed.

Organizations that choose to outsource depend on the outsider suppliers' skill in playing out the outsourced assignments to acquire such advantages. The hidden rule is that in light of the fact that the outsider supplier centers around that specific undertaking, it can improve, quicker and less expensive than the employing organization could.

 Requirements for Successful Outsourcing:

  •  Clear goals, visions, and plans
  •  Careful vendor selection
  •  Open communication with stakeholders
  •  Executive support
  •  Careful attention to personnel issues
  •  Short-term financial justification
  •  Relationship management
  •  Properly structured subcontract and vendor agreements

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