Friday, December 17, 2021

RoDTEP Scheme

The scheme for zero rating of exports will boost our exports & competitiveness in the global markets .The rates of RoDTEP will cover 8555 tariff lines.

It could be noticed that Government is investigating every possibility to help homegrown industry and make it more serious in the global business sectors. Product driven ventures are being transformed and acquainted with better instruments to expand their intensity, support sends out, create work and add to the general economy. This will go far in accomplishing our vision of building an Aatmanirbhar Bharat.

Remission of Duties and Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP) is one such reform, based on the globally accepted principle that taxes and duties should not be exported, and taxes and levies borne on the exported products should be either exempted or remitted to exporters.



In 2018, the United States tested export incentive scheme carried out by India before Dispute Settlement Body of the Word Trade Organization (WTO). These scheme incorporates MEIS, were found violative of the WTO rules, and India was given a half year to pull out these rebellious appropriation scheme.

While testing the above request, India superseded MEIS with the new    RoDTEP, which meets the WTO rules.

Product and Services Export Incentive Schemes (MEIS and SEIS) were rejected as they were observed to be impermissible under the WTO standards.

Eligibility to obtain benefits of the RoDTEP Scheme

  • All sectors, including the textiles sector, may enjoy the benefits of the RoDTEP Scheme. Producer exporters and shipper exporters (merchants) are both qualified for the advantages of this scheme.
  • RoDTEP looks to offset the expense effect of at present un-discounted obligations and assessments.
  • The refunds range from 0.5% to 4.3% of the FOB (Freight On Board) worth of outbound transfers. Re-traded items are not qualified under this plan. To be qualified to profit the advantages of this scheme, the traded items need to have the nation of beginning as India.
  • Extraordinary Economic Zone Units and Export Oriented Units are likewise qualified to guarantee the advantages under this scheme.
  • Where goods have been exported via courier through e-commerce platforms, RoDTEP scheme applies to them as well.        


Ø Business arranged (work concentrated) areas like marine, farming, cowhide, pearls and adornments are covered under the scheme.

Ø  Steel, pharma and synthetic substances businesses have not been incorporated under the plan on the grounds that their products have done well without encouragement.

Products focused under the scheme

  Sort of charges which will be discounted


 The reimbursement of taxes such as

Ø Obligation on power utilized in assembling

Ø VAT on fuel utilized in transportation

Ø Focal extract obligation on fuel utilized in transportation

Ø Mandy charge and

Ø Stamp obligation

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