Friday, February 18, 2022



Whether Principal and Interest amounts be clubbed together?

Underlying Case with summary of facts

1. Operational creditor, CBRE had initiated Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process under section 9 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 against the M/s United Concepts, the Corporate Debtor.

2. Operational Creditor claimed a principal amount of Rs. 88.50 L along with the interest of Rs. 51.34 L segregating to Rs. 139.84 L.

Operational Creditor’s Claim:

Operational Creditor claimed a principal amount of Rs. 88.50 L and levied interest of Rs. 51.34 L totaling to Rs. 139.84 L from Corporate Debtor. According to the Operational creditor, the Corporate Debtor obligated to pay the principal amount along with the interest as per the terms of Fee Letter and also invoice carried the terms that if amount not paid within 7 days then same is subject to levy of interest of 2% per month. Since Corporate Debtor did not pay the outstanding interest was thus charged by the Operational Creditor. Therefore, the total amount (Principal amount along with the interest) is above the minimum threshold of Rs 1 Crore for initiating the case under section 9 of IBC, 2016.

NCLT Verdict:

The NCLT examined various provisions of the IB Code along with the Section 5(21) which defines Operational Debt and Section 5(8) which defines Financial Debt and came to the conclusion that interest can be claimed as a financial debt but there is no provision to include interest in the Operational Debt. They also examined the case law of Chandigarh Bench M/s. Wanbury Ltd. Vs. M/s. Panacea Biotech Ltd to support their views.


The bench held that the Application was not maintainable under Section 4 of IBC, 2016 and was accordingly, dismissed.


The information shown in above blog/ article is from North Pole Management LLP. We believe that the information put forward are in sync with applicable laws & regulations prevailing at present. Any discrimination, if found by reader they can directly reach out to the management of the company on the email ID of
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